
15 January 2010: A Friend Of Friends: Lessons From The Underground Railroad

For Sandra’s Hope. #TALIAFERRO


By sjtaliaferro

One night during the holidays I watched one of my favorite movies, Roots: The Gift. The movie stars LeVar Burton and Louis Gossett, Jr., in their roles as Kunta Kinte and Fiddler from the television series Roots. In this movie, Kunta and Fiddler accompany their owner to another plantation at Christmas time for a party, and become involved in a plan to help some runaway slaves escape via the Underground Railroad to freedom. A simple, yet powerful story. There are many messages and lessons to be learned from Roots: The Gift.

In one of my favorite scenes, Fiddler and Kunta are helping the group of runaway slaves get to the river where they are to meet a boat that will take them further on their journey to freedom. Along the way they make a stop to pick up other “passengers” on the Underground Railroad. When they come to…

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6 thoughts on “15 January 2010: A Friend Of Friends: Lessons From The Underground Railroad

  1. Yolanda Douglas says:

    So happy to see your information. Reading about the Taliaferro family (my cousins) through marriage of the Jones family (Lucy Inez Jones). I am family to Penn, Pin, Pinn, Brown, Jones, Month, Grimes, Douglas, Smith, Russell and Bailey families to name my Virginia connections. My cousins are Carter, Jordan, Higginbotham, Rose, Rucker and many others to many to mention. I just started my research 2 years ago and it has been nothing but surprises every since. Blessings.

    • Luckie says:

      Hi Yolanda! Sandra would have LOVED to connect with you! She was an extraordinary researcher, determined to connect ALL her family “dots”! I hope you find her research helpful. Blessings in your journey…

  2. towns says:

    This is an amazing find. Thank you for the post. I became aware of Sandra’s path in ‘2017 when it was determined we are DNA cousins. Furthermore, I received confirmation when I traveled to the Gates’ family’s home in Woodbury. It was then that I was told a lady in a wheelchair attended the family reunion who too was researching the Gates’ family. I left that Saturday determine to find her, only to learn later that the woman in the wheelchair had already been sent about three messages from me.

    My search came to a dead end when I learned Sandra (Tolbert) Taliaferro passed away in ‘2013.

    As I travel alone the path she left behind, I embark upon many works of hers. I read one article or blog after another. I can not get enough. I’ve exhausted myself but I can’t stop researching her work. If only I could have come to know Sandra when she was here with us.

    • Luckie says:

      Your comments uplifted my heart yesterday! A reminder of how much our genealogy work means and why preserving it at all costs matters.

      When San passed away, no one had access to her websites or research. My fear was we could lose what history we had, so I created this public site.

      I’m thankful it was helpful to you and encourage you to keep going. I still believe Sandra is watching over us all. Ask the Ancestors for what you need.


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